The value of CRP and NLR in differential diagnosis of benign and malignant pulmonary nodules

  • Hanchi Yu Xiangdong Hospital Affiliated to Hunan Normal University
Keywords: CRP; NLR; Pulmonary Nodules; Lung Cancer; Differential Diagnosis


Objective: Evaluate CRP and NLR levels in benign vs. malignant pulmonary nodules for differential diagnosis. Methods: Selected 60 patients with benign nodules and 60 with lung cancer from a Hunan hospital from August 2022 to December 2023. Analyzed CRP and NLR diagnostic value. Results: Significant differences in CRP, NLR levels between groups (P<0.05). Conclusion: CRP and NLR levels are higher in lung cancer patients, indicating diagnostic value in distinguishing benign vs. malignant nodules.


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Review Article