An Experimental Study on the Effects of Deep Touch Pressure on Emotion Soothing

  • Qin Huang
  • Tashinga Walter Matiki
Keywords: Pressure Vest; Stress; Anxiety; Depression; Deep Pressure


Stress, anxiety, and depression are normal reactions to a variety of stressors and have a detrimental effect on mental or physical well-being. An experimental study on the effects of deep touch pressure on emotion soothing was carried out. The study used an automated pressure vest and measured participants' vital signs and emotions before and after being exposed to a stressor. Secondly, an automatic pressure vest was used to explore the effects of deep touch pressure on emotion soothing. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, a self-rating anxiety scale, and electroencephalogram (EEG) readings measure deep touch pressure effects on anxiety reduction. The research found that the pressure vest helped to reduce stress and improve relaxation. It also found that the pressure vest induced a high theta in the prefrontal lobe of the brain, indicating that the participants became more relaxed. The study suggests that deep touch pressure may be an effective, non-pharmacological method for reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.


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Original Research Article