Current Status and Prospects Towards the Road of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in China: a Systematic Review
Background: Over the past decade, China has successfully extended its basic healthcare safety net to more than 95% of the population. The Chinese government aims to provide universal health coverage for all citizens by 2030. However, China still suffers from an inadequate tiered medical care system, lack of information sharing on hospital visits, and medical staff with low salaries and excessive overtime. This paper will further discuss China's current status and prospects in six building blocks of the WHO health system framework. Methods: We used various popular search engines, such as PubMed, Google, Google Scholar, etc., to identify studies on achieving universal health in China. The purpose of the search was to understand the state of the existing health system in China, especially in mobile health (mhealth), mental health, and medical personnel protection. Findings: We found nine articles related to health service delivery, three articles related to the medical workforce, four articles related to health information systems, three articles related to medical products, vaccines, and technologies, five articles related to health financing, and five articles related to health system management. Discussion: The findings based on the six health system building blocks are summarized in conjunction with other literature.
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