Research Progress on Intestinal Barrier Dysfunction and Treatment of Severe Acute Pancreatitis

  • Qingyun Jiang


Severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) often leads to intestinal epithelial cell damage, disrupts intestinal epithelial cell structure, increases intestinal mucosal permeability, and leads to intestinal barrier dysfunction (IBD). IBD is prone to cause intestinal toxin and bacterial translocation, further accelerating the course of severe pancreatitis, leading to systemic inflammatory response or multiple organ failure, and even death. It can be seen that IBD plays a key role in the development of pancreatic tissue necrosis infection and severe pancreatitis. Intestinal barriers, ie, chemical, physical, immune, and biological barriers, can interact and promote positive feedback. Factors such as intestinal ischemia, inflammatory factors, intestinal flora, immune damage, intestinal nutrition and motility lead to IBD disease. Therefore, the assessment and protection of intestinal barrier function is essential for the treatment of severe pancreatitis. This article reviews the pathogenesis and treatment of IBD disease.

Original Research Article