Effect of Educational Intervention on Nurses’ Attitude, Intention and Behaviour Towards Family-Centered Care in Pediatric Wards in Iran: A Randomized Control Trial Utilizing Prospect Theory

  • Frozan Rostami Islamic Azad University Chalous
Keywords: Family-centred care, attitude, intention, behaviour, paediatric nurses


Background: The concept, family-centered care (FCC), is used to describe the way families are involved in the health care of hospitalized children. In developing countries, most paediatric wards claim to be ‘family-centered’, which means that the wards adopt a philosophy where parents are acknowledged as being central to their children’s existence. Despite substantial investments in researchers, dissemination and advocacy, huge gap exist between what is known about effective health services and what is done in real world practice. There is no common agreement between health care workers on provision of FCC in Iran. Objectives: To identify the effect of educational intervention on Family-Centered Care model on attitude, intention and behaviour of pediatric nurses. Methods: Participants were randomly assigned to complete a questionnaire assessing paediatric nurses’ attitude towards providing FCC in Iran. Results: There is no significant relationship between socio-demographic characteristics and attitude towards provision of FCC for both intervention and control groups (p>0.05). The mean of behaviour in the intervention group (1.57 unit) increased and difference among pre- and post-tests in behaviour score in the intervention group was significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: The findings have important theoretical implication as theory of planned behaviour verified that nurses’ behaviours changed after educational intervention.


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