High Prevalence of Influenza B Pediatric Emergency Full - Expert Tips Do not Panic

Since the beginning of winter, many of our country have high incidence of influenza B and the hospital is full of pediatrics. Some parents see the child a cold, hurriedly went to the hospital. However, medical experts advise, we must pay attention to distinguish flu and the common cold, scientific prevention and treatment, the right medicine.
"Yesterday, hung up the number ahead of schedule, may be less than three o'clock came, mainly parked outside the parking for a long time, outside waiting for a long time," Ms Mo Chengdu January 9 afternoon with 11 months Of children to the Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital to see the pediatric emergency, but finally hung up the number to the hospital or wait, because too many parents with their children to see a doctor. Ms. Mo said that more than 20 days ago, their children began to have a cold, fever, repeatedly better, so she is very worried.
People's Hospital of Sichuan Province, Li Min, MD, director of pediatrics, told reporters that the number of children with respiratory infections has indeed increased recently, an emergency doctor needs to diagnose up to 200 children a day, the workload doubled. According to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention data show that this is caused by the influenza virus, of which the main type B virus.
So, how to distinguish between common cold and flu? Li Min replied: "The difference is that the flu is faster, more serious and more contagious, so the onset of the flu will soon cause large-scale disease in the exposed population. Some kindergartens or schools may be fully contagious. "
Source:Sichuan Internet radio and television stations
Read More:http://www.sctv.com/xmyc/201801/t20180110_3731159.shtml